High Purity Manganese

ChemX Materials is developing a high purity manganese project. The Jamieson Tank project is located on two exploration tenements, EL5920 and EL6634 in the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. These tenements collectively cover an area of 718 km2.

Jamieson Tank Manganese Project

The deposits are located on freehold title used for cropping and sheep farming. ChemX Materials has been working in the area since 2022 and has established strong relationships with landowners and local communities.

ChemX Materials completed a 94-hole drill program at the Jamieson Tank project, totaling 6,164 metres and released a maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) in September 2023. The MRE reported 13.1 Mt at 5.7% manganese, with 21% classified as Indicated and 79% classified as Inferred (JORC Table 1).

JORC classificationTonnes
Table 1: Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE), reported in accordance with the JORC 2012 Code.
Mineralisation demonstrates near to surface and open at strike

Manganese mineralisation is exceptionally close to surface, extending down to approximately 70m and is defined within several cherty, banded iron formations. The sandy overburden thickness illustrated (Figure 1), ranges between 2m and 20m and is largely considered to be ‘free-dig’, requiring minimal use of drill and blast mining techniques, thereby envisaged to deliver mining costs towards the lower end of the spectrum. Extensive 2023 drilling on only the northern 2.2km (from a 6.6 km identified) strike has culminated in this maiden Mineral Resource Estimate.

Infrastructure rich region in South Australia

The Jamieson Manganese Tank project is well positioned to take advantage of world-class regional infrastructure including sealed roads, rail networks, port operations, grid-power and an emerging renewable energy hub in Whyalla.

Prospective for kaolin and rare earth elements

The tenements in which the Jamieson Manganese Tank project is located also host kaolin and rare earth elements (REE) deposits. The area has historically been well known and explored for its potential for kaolin. The Kelly Tank exploration target is estimated to be 55 – 130 Mt of extractable kaolin.

Figure 1: Jamieson Tank cross-section 6297000 mN, in the southern strike area

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